i used to drive around, before i got any external antenna on my station wagon, with a PRO2001 and my TRC 451 bolted together.
ok, you might think no big deal.
both had a back of the radio antenna on them.
the CB antenna was inches from the scanners antennas. (VHF,UHF)
the cb is now out in the garage having dust collect on it.
the 2001 is on my desk right now and i use it daily for state forestry and the space station.
so if i can get the station 250miles up, i am not worried about it being burned out.

so that is the back of the 2001 and the antenna was into the back of the 451 CB and i found a pick of the 451 (right side)
they were both in the car brackets and bolted together.
could not get much closer.
i did eventually learn about not doing that...