I have always used all of the frequencies. I have a TSYS for EAST and TSYS for WEST on my PRO106. I have noticed that sometimes RadioID's from WEST will be on EAST and vice versa. That could be because of backup situations. When i first started listening, I would hear transmissions saying "ALL WEST SECTOR CARS GO EAST" and I realized they were just all joining the PD-MP-EAST and PD-MP-WEST talkgroups. While I am on the subject of the Evansville EDACS system, can a DB Admin look into adding TGRP 15-156. It is not listed, and I have only heard a few transmissions on it with too little information to tell what it is. Also, the ProVoice channels listed in the database never have any type of transmissions...I know supposedly its not able to be listened to, but i atleast expected some flatulence sounding noises when being used.