This might have been brought up by others, I just couldnt find an answer. In the County that I broadcast, Bucks County. The system is a county wide system, we have 4 Tactical channels, these tactical channels are to be used by FD/EMS/PD for operations, now this means that if there is a fire, MCI, or swat or vice operations are going on, they system user calls to the dispatch center and get an assigned tactical channel. My question is does this violate the TOS if SWAT or vice ops are going on, even thought they are not dedicated just for police. See on a SWAT job, the officers will use thier assigned zone, then get 1 or 2 tactical channels, Fire Departments will use their assigned Zones and FG and will be assigned a tactical channel. Also the county provides a patch for out of county/state operations that my be FD or PD jobs so that the out of county/state can communicate with each other.
Now that Ive confused everyone, am I covered under the TOS or should I take off the countywide tactical channels. Nothing sensative is ever transmitted over these channels even on vice or swat ops, most of that is done via nextel or cell phones (that is a County SOP)
Now that Ive confused everyone, am I covered under the TOS or should I take off the countywide tactical channels. Nothing sensative is ever transmitted over these channels even on vice or swat ops, most of that is done via nextel or cell phones (that is a County SOP)