rananthony04 said:
Seeing that Baldwin Park PD's callsign WQEI900 has been terminated (was pending termination since last year) how long can operations continue [legally] on their dispatch frequency of 506.1750?
To my knowledge, as soon as the license expires or is otherwise not valid, they may not legally use the frequency. I'm not keen to jump to conclusions with the sparse information available online, but it looks like Baldwin Park has twice before lost (or let expire) their 506.175 licenses, WIL209 on 12/11/2001, and WPYY749 on 5/18/2005.
On the latter license, Henry Richter went to bat for them and got an STA in 2003 with the following touching letter (my emphasis):
June 6, 2003
To the Federal Communications Commission
Dear Sirs:
This is a request for Special Temporary Authority for my client, the Baldwin Park, CA Police Department. The chairman of the local APCO Frequency Advisory Committee discovered that the primary FCC license (WIL209) for the Baldwin Park police radio system had expired and was cancelled last year, and let me know about it. I quickly contacted the Baldwin Park Police Department to inform them of this unfortunate fact, and found that due to several retirements, the license responsibility was not reassigned, and no one was watching.
The City knows this is no excuse, except that in these times of budget deficits and personnel shortages, important things do get dropped through the crack. The dispatch center supervisor, with whom I worked several years ago, retired, and some of his functions were not taken over. The City now realizes the hazard of this oversight.
In order to continue the operation of their police radio system, vital to the supply of public safety services to the city, we are applying for an STA. We are immediately filing an application for a new license and expect the coordinator, APCO, to process it promptly.
The City wants to assure the Commission that this oversight will not happen again. They are contracting with my firm to manage their licenses and keep them informed of regulatory matters. I do this for several Southern California cities, cities who do not have a communications professional on staff. With all of the changes, especially that called for in WT Docket No.99-87 leading to RM-9332 (narrow banding), cities must anticipate equipment and operations changes in their budgets. Baldwin Park is due for a system upgrade and does plan to migrate to narrow band, digital within the next couple of years. I hope to guide them in that process.
In the meanwhile, the grant of an STA is respectfully requested.
Very truly yours,
Henry L. Richter, PhD, PE
I don't see Richter's name anywhere in the WQEI900 paperwork. :roll: There may well be perfectly reasonable explanations for all this, but they're not very apparent.