Question RE sites and groups (396XT)

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Apr 28, 2011
I am still learning to program my 396XT and had a couple questions regarding sites and groups.

On my scanner there are pre-programmed frequencies. I see for my state (IL) the starcom 21 setup has all the various sites listed separately but all the talkgroups in one group. Why is this? Do I have to put all talk groups together for a system?

What I planned the do was program the 4 closest sites to me (chicago-south cook, chicago-north cook, north simulcast and south simulcast?) and enter in the talkgroups for my area in separate groups. I wanted to divide the groups up with north region talk group, chicago talkgroup, and sheriffs talkgroup. Can I do this under one system or do I have to separate the groups into separate systems.

Sorry if this sounded confusing.
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