question re, Superior (WI) LG/DPW going to digital?

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Premium Subscriber
Jun 3, 2008
hey there all, got a kinda curious question for ya, when i was last up in the NW corner of WI `round about the Superior area i was listening around with my `396T and my ham radio while i was waiting to start work, and i heard what sounded like P25 (or mabey even something else) on 443.0500, which is the Superior LG/DPW channel, this one used to be analog voice, intrestingly enough, this digital appears to be un monitorable. Question now is, has this agency gone to digital, and if so, which format, as i`m now getting the feeling they have (mabey something on the order of MOTOTURBO...intresting)? I made several attempts to decode what i was hearing with no success, sorry but i have no efficient way to record and post a .wav file for ya...i wish i could, as i know that would help LOTS :(. If anyone around that area happens to be listening around and hears what i heard i`d be curious to know what was happening, and if my hunch is correct. Thanx guys! N9NRA


Premium Subscriber
Sep 20, 2008
Northwest of Cloquet
I am guessing your assumption about mototrbo is correct. I am listening to the freq. right now and getting strong digital noise during their transmissions, unable to decode. Too bad, was a great source for colorful language during the winter storms. I will get a chance to find out which system they are using tonight, will update the thread.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 3, 2008
Superior LG/DPW going digital?

I am guessing your assumption about mototrbo is correct. I am listening to the freq. right now and getting strong digital noise during their transmissions, unable to decode. Too bad, was a great source for colorful language during the winter storms. I will get a chance to find out which system they are using tonight, will update the thread.

Cool, and thanx jdm911, if ya can, and want to, why not send a .wav file take of it and see what everyone else thinks too. When i first heard it i was like WHAT?? Funny that it sounded almost like P25, but no matter what i did with the decode level settings on my `396T i couldn`t get it to decode at all, even played with the narrow/wide FM settings and still got nada for decode. I too will miss it, as it was very helpful during our now-and-then freak blizzards that we have up there :), if you`ve ever seen one (and i have at least a few times) ya know what i`m talking about. N9NRA P.S. Gonna send ya a pm in a short, gotta ask ya somethin`


Premium Subscriber
Jun 3, 2008
Superior LG/DPW goes digital.

Motortrbo it is

yeah, kinda figured that was the deal, it is sad, and i will miss it during our really-nasty winters, but it`s it and that`s that i guess :(. (begin vsry short rant) One thingy that nags at me still, and that is this, WHAT would posess someone to switch to something like Mototurbo for god`s sake?? are they REALLY THAT SCARED of folks listening in on what they`re doing/saying? Intresting, to say the least (end very short rant :)). N9NRA
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