Wow, that sucks.
Don't the radar D/D ever false alarm? They are electronic receivers after all.
I know you gentlemen do not write the laws, but what is the reasoning behind the ability to search your ENTIRE vehicle because you MIGHT have a radar detector? What is the actual DANGER to SOCIETY AT LARGE by owning a radar detector? (Please understand, I am NOT being argumentative, just inquisitive). Since radar detectors haven't really been around that long, when was this law enacted, and has it NEVER been challenged?
If he gets a hit, can he look in the trunk? Search a briefcase? Search your person? Your passengers?
If he finds an open beer or a roach in the ashtray, does he get to take you in for that? (I am not worried about EITHER of those things happening to me, but for the sake of knowledge....). Theoretically, couldn't any officer that thought you were in violation of anything (let's say operating under the influence) say he got a hit on a D/D just to stop you, and when NOT finding a D/D, but that you were OUI, say he was wrong about the detector, but he took an OUI off the road?
There seems something to be intrinsically wrong about the practice, but I can't quite identify it.
Maybe later.
Thanks for the responses.
P.S. Is there any visible sign that a vehicle has a D/D? Antennas, etc?