Raspberry Pi and Scanner Live

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Feed Provider
Sep 25, 2005
Myrtle Beach, SC
We recently switched from the PC based streaming to the Raspberry Pi solution. I recently got this from a listener:


I've been listening to the MBFR feed for years. Thanks for hosting it!

Over the last few days, there's been a consistent issue that I wasn't sure if you were aware of. The feed is constantly broadcasting. It's almost like someone has an open mike, or the scanner is stuck on talkgroup.

I use ScannerLive to listen. ScannerLive works like a actual scanner. When traffic on one feed talks, it mutes the other feeds. The "stuck" feed doesn't allow the application to catch traffic on the other feeds I monitor. Here's what it looks like. The feed in yellow has the speakers. The other feed in orange has active traffic but is muted."

Any ideas on what can be done to solve the problem?


OH DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 19, 2002
Akron, OH
I'll confess. I was the starter of the issue above. I was playing around with the dashboards and found I have a way to show what I'm seeing. Here's a dashboard with two feeds, neither of which have active audio traffic at the time of the capture:1628518923298.png

The feed on the left still seems to indicate it is getting same traffic. I know it isn't an open mike, because traffic does happen on the system and it bumps the audio meter over a bit. If there is a "hum", I can't hear one.
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