Last Wednesday I was searching around the 42-50 low band when I caught a strange transmission.
45.00 MHz CTCSS 146.2
A strong signal from my location in Latham with someone asking "is someone calling RAVEN ops?"
I did not hear any replies, nor any other transmissions from that point on.
I dont know a whole lot about milair activity. Could this be a frequency for the National Guard choppers over at the Albany International Airport, or could this be just an image or error that I caught on my receiver?
45.00 MHz CTCSS 146.2
A strong signal from my location in Latham with someone asking "is someone calling RAVEN ops?"
I did not hear any replies, nor any other transmissions from that point on.
I dont know a whole lot about milair activity. Could this be a frequency for the National Guard choppers over at the Albany International Airport, or could this be just an image or error that I caught on my receiver?