What Lewis Co. frequencies are you looking for. I know just about all of them for Lewis Co. As Far as PL&Dpl I do not know what they are. But I may be able to find out.
I'm looking for Public Service (Law Enforcement, FD, EMS) as well other Government Agency (Hwy Dept, Bd of Ed, Public Works) freqs and PL/DPL info not listed in the RR database....
As most of the data we list is verified from FCC databases, and user submissions, we only list what we can get. Anyone that finds info that we do not have listed, please submit it. If you have a scanner that can do tone info, submit this also. TY!
Law Enforcement 460.450 that includes the city and county.
FD 453.350
EMS 154.220
HWY Dept. 37.920
Public works 453.775
Board of Education ? Never really tried to monitor
Do you live in Lewis Co. or do you live in one of the surrounding co.