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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Rear mount control cable help.

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Active Member
Jul 3, 2003
OK, the last few months I have been putting together a small database of control cables with diagrams and pinouts.
Ones I need most are 19B802554P2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, including accessory plugs.
I have gone through all the WWW resources with very little and iffy results.
One elusive animal is 19B802554p4 with the DB15 accessory.
Anyone have documentation they can put up or know where it can be had, I would be most grateful.
All these will go with Orion or M7100 with the DB37 connector.
I have about all the control head accessory cables and no want for programming cables.
I will be glad to share anything I have.
Thanks people.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2003
Google "M7100 Series Installation Manual" Many of the cables you are looking for have wiring diagrams and pinouts in the manual, mostly near the back of the manual.
Been there and done that, and google result in nothing, no manuals, no info. Even used Bing and Yahoo,,still unobtanium. (lots of dead links)
Now the P3 cable is a basic, mapped that out myself, along with the control head accessory cables and variants.
Trying not to spend a LOT of money for control cables and their variants. Too much invested so far on obsolete junk radio.
But thanks for your input anyway.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2003
I see many have put together a features list, just a though to do the same with the cables.
I do have the M-7100 install manual and just shows the basic xxxP3 (same as P9) that I already have.
One cable, likely custom, The tag illegible has a DB15 pigtail, Might be for FIRECOM setup. Mapped that too.
Guess no one has info I need so bite nails and invest in more cables. A long work in progress.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2003
WOW !! In my search of the dark web for info, I actually came across a ProGrammer user manual. How it sometimes goes, search for one thing and stumble across something else you been looking for.
It is a lot bigger than though. Happens to be for my version of programmer to boot.
No download for it but a print friendly button so started printing. Over a ream and a half. 6 months reading for me.
The big plus is diagrams of all of the cables for all of the radios programmer supports.
Most of my questions are now answered. Learned why profile manager is not working, it was removed from programmer long time back.
Someone posted that is only for over air programming, just one feature of it, but that is restricted to P25 III.
Tells how to launch programming modes etc.
Now I can do something with my KMC 500M.
I'm in high gear now so if I am quiet a while, got a lot on the plate.
Even fixed a Jaguar 700P I messed up.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2003
The DB15 pigtail (at least on OEM cables) is a programming port- so you don't have to disconnect the cables at the DB44 on the back for programming.
Very incorrect. It is a DB37 male on cables, the other end, DB25 to the control head.
No programming with these cables, you need an interface between the cable and radio that include the pins for programming.
There are DIY ribless programming cables that just go from a DB9 serial port to the DB37 radio port, no heads or cables involved.
This applies to the Orion group, M7100 group, and M7250 group.
Radios such as the KMC program at the mic connector.
I see the DB15 pigtail is for outboard devices, firecom and such
Hope this clarifies.
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Active Member
Jul 3, 2003
OK, got to scrutinizing this odd cable and does have the needed pinouts to program. Other pins are like aux2 hookswitch, a mute etc.
Looking through this big programming manual, there is reference for the DB15 for field programming.
Not enough info for firecom to verify that but the plug does a lot more than programming.


John McClane
Nov 20, 2003
Nakatomi Plaza
Very incorrect. It is a DB37 male on cables, the other end, DB25 to the control head.
No programming with these cables, you need an interface between the cable and radio that include the pins for programming.
There are DIY ribless programming cables that just go from a DB9 serial port to the DB37 radio port, no heads or cables involved.
This applies to the Orion group, M7100 group, and M7250 group.
Radios such as the KMC program at the mic connector.
I see the DB15 pigtail is for outboard devices, firecom and such
Hope this clarifies.

Ummm..... You know what I like about people correcting other people when they don't know what they're talking about?

Correcting them.

The HDDB15, that is on the control head cable, is indeed for programming.

You want me to make you a video?

BTW, directly from the manual, you'll see it's labelled P5....


What's the manual say P5 is for?



Active Member
Jul 3, 2003
Well you are so smart, why cant you comprehend my most recent post where I corrected myself.
You are right, that paragraph does show the DB15 facilitates field programming without the removal of equipment.
Now read the rest of that section. that plug does many other functions as well.
(Oops,,looks like P1 is a DB37 male) Missed the part that it includes Orion also.
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