Just to clarify, is that for the scanner, or combo use with the marine radio? (I'm pretty sure I know the answer.)
Just for the scanner was my thinking. While it could TX with marine VHF just fine, I think keeping the two separate would be a wise idea. Sharing the antenna is possible.
Ideally, the scanner antenna would want to see a ground plane, and that can be done on the underside.
For clarification, using separate marine grade antennas for each band would be expensive, and result in the boat looking akin to the old "Russian trawlers".
Or, just get a second VHF marine antenna and use that. While not ideal, any metal up in the air will receive something, just not as well as band specific antenna(s).
Doing an install on a boat that nice would come with some sort of obligation to make it look decent. I think that would be the bigger challenge.