Unitrunker is a program that can use a scanner that has been modified to add a discriminator tap, to decode the data stream coming off a trunk control channel. It doesn't do voice; you use another radio to do that - it only shows you what is going on on the system.
I am presently using Unitrunker to listen to two systems - Calgary 753f and TAC Mobility 6904. It provides a screen with all the channels in the system, and shows all the activity on the system. Here's a screenshot of it at work.
The catch is, you have to have a scanner with a discriminator tap added. You can do it yourself with a soldering iron and a little patience; I've tapped two BC245s, a BC796D, and a BC250D. I prefer to do it with the older scanners because of the chance of messing something up - you are wiring stuff onto your scanner's circuit board, after all.
Unitrunker is, I find, tremendously beneficial when you're trying to figure out a trunk system. All you need to do is make sure you have the control channel in good receive quality, and park your radio on that channel, plug the discriminator tap into your computer's sound card, and let Unitrunker rip. The above screen shot is taken from a hobby machine I have tucked in the corner, with a BC245 with a stainless steel telescoping Radio Shack whip antenna, almost forty kilometers from the tower transmitting the trunk data channel. I get between 99% and 100% decode almost all the time. In other words, with a strong signal, it's hard to mess up.
There's a thread in the "Trunker/Etrunker/T4Win Decoders" forum regarding the latest beta release of Unitrunker. If you have a tapped scanner, check out
this thread. If you can get Unitrunker running and listening to the Red Deer trunk system control channel, you'll be able to figure out: If the frequencies listed are correct, what talkgroups are REALLY in use, if any frequencies are missing from our list, what radios are in use for which talkgroups, etc. It provides a tremendous amount of information.
If you don't have the ability to run Unitrunker, I'd recommend simply programming the 246 by hand for the Red Deer 371d system. I have a USD file for my BCD396T that should translate easily for the free UASD programming software Uniden makes available for their new scanners - the 246, 396, 996, etc. If you have the UASD program, I can send you the USD file I have for my 396. You should be able to just save it to the same directory as your 246's USD files - and it should convert the file all by itself.
One last thought I just had - is the scanner in ID SCAN or ID SEARCH mode when you find it's not stopping on the talkgroups?