REDDI reports

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Premium Subscriber
Dec 11, 2002
captaincraig44 said:
Thanks Jim
That's very interesting. Is this CO only, or is it a nationwide program?

Nationwide as far as I know have heard it while monitoring in other states.



Apr 4, 2004
Slightly NE of the People's Republic of Firestone
jimmnn said:
Report Every Drunk Driver Immediately

That's not what the SO officer I asked a few years ago said that it meant but, it is a lot better for `mixed company' than what he said. {VB GRIN!} (Hint: Just move the word drunk to where driver is and you should be able to figure out what takes it's place.)

The officer and I were talking after they had just cleaned up an accident involving a drunk driver that had taken out an `underground transformer', a power pole about 15' further up the road, and then rolled 3 - 4 times out into one of our fields winding up most of the fence wire along the road side of the field. I had gone out because I had to chase about 20 head of horses out of that field into our corral so that they wouldn't get out onto the road or in the various responders' way. (Fortunately the horses were already pretty much by the corral gate and I only had one I had to `entice' in with some hay on the back of my ATV.) The reasons I knew about the accident were that I heard the chase, and it's end, on one of my scanners and we suddenly lost our power. (I'd just gone out the week before and had bought a new UPS for my computers and had put the scanners on the old one. Both UPSes gave me enough time to gracefully shut down the computers and switch over to a couple handhelds.) We had quite a `wild light show' for the next 3 - 4 hours as they cleaned up and the REA people temporarily `patched' the wires. It wasn't until later that morning that we finally got our phone service completely back up because the underground transformer was for the phone `pad' that was on the other side of the road from the transformer. The REA had to come back and set a pair of new poles and a new transformer up on one of them to replace the one taken out. (The phone company came out a few days afterwards and installed another big box just behind the original that they claimed was some sort of `backup power' for the original box. I guess they hadn't figured on having that `underground?' transformer getting taken out the way it was? Though, with about 14" - 16" of it sticking up it shouldn't have been all *that* much of a `surprise?' to them. It already had a whole bunch of `dings' in it from where it had been hit before. Since then they have come back out again and have completely redone the whole `pad' and, from the looks of things, have upgraded it quite a bit. Hopefully what they have done has made it a lot harder to be taken out in the future?)

I guess we should consider ourselves lucky that night as the driver had been southbound rather than northbound when he `lost it'. *If* he'd been northbound he'd have ended up right smack dab in the middle of the calf pen of the dairy diagonally across the road from us that had about 25 - 30 head of calves in it that night. He, OTOH, personally wasn't very `lucky' as he died from his injuries shortly after they got him to the hospital. (They had landed the chopper that transported him in our field. From what I was able to catch it was a `hot offload' up at NCMC, BTW.) The passenger was lucky, though, as they *did* live. (Platteville did a ground transport over to LUH with them.)

We are on the downhill side of the `rise' between the intersections of WCR 19/24 and WCR 19/26 and usually the accidents involve vehicles northbound on WCR 19. Also, for the most part, most of the vehicles end up in the Northwest corner of the intersection out in another neighbor's field. We have only had a couple that have ended up in the Northeast corner and, so far, none have made it into the dairy's calf pen. We have also had several accidents just North of my in-law's house just over the crest of the hill. Those have been mostly `centerline crossovers' or similar types because it's kinda `blind' for being able to see just what's on the road until one `breaks over' the rise. (It's usually either people who have already been `moving along' headed North on WCR 19 or have just gotten off WCR 24 onto WCR 19 and are `getting it on' who've been involved. Those of us who are `locals' have the habit of approaching the `hill' fairly cautiously because of it's `blindness' along with the fact that there are *several* drives from all the places along that stretch entering onto the road, too. [There is another `blind hill' a bit further North on WCR 19 just before WCR 28 that has had it `share' of accidents, too.] ) We wish that drivers, drunk *or* sober, would slow down and realize that even just because it is a `country road' it doesn't mean that it's a 2 lane 2 way `racetrack' and they can go like the proverbial `bat out of hades' on it! We're getting tired of having to pick up the pieces! (It is seemingly only getting worse as `civilization?' creeps closer to us with the expansion of Firestone! This morning, when SWMBO was taking our daughter to school, there was yet another `close call' where a `feed truck' was almost "T-boned" by an `idiot' who had come `flying' over the hill and just *barely* slowed down enough to allow the truck to clear the intersection. He, the car driver, leaned on his horn and `flipped off' the truck driver and then `stood on it' again. {YEEEEEESH!})

Just an `Olde Fart's' 2¢ worth. {FROWN!}
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