Well let's just say lesson re-learned. I thought I had my key safely stored but, nope, I didn't. Entirely my fault.
First I want to say to anyone that is considering WIN 96 that I really liked the program.
From the starrsoft website -
When you register, you will be issued a unique key that will allow Win96 to run past its 30-day trial period. DO NOT LOSE THIS KEY. You will need it any time you wish to install Win96 (new computer, new operating system, computer crash, etc.). In many cases, we can re-issue a registration key upon emailed request, but this is not guaranteed and may not get you a prompt response.
(end paste)
I got no response whatsoever to my requests and, like I said before, "no" would have been fine. I should have kept better track of my key after all.
By contrast, from the Butel website -
Unlike other vendors we keep records of all keys and will replace lost keys free of charge
(end paste)
OK, I don't know for certain who he's referring to but you just got to think there is some kinda "history" here that I'm unaware of,,,
What I would recommend to anyone is to email your software keys to yourself at a web based email service and then archive them there. Then almost nothing can take them away, divorce, fire, etc,,,
Flame on, flamers!