So I guess it's now my turn for really bad RFI. I made a video of this to show what I mean. I get this 'splatter' from 1 thru 31 Mhz in AM or SSB. It's worst at 9 Mhz.
In the video, the scope is set to a 200 khz spectrum. When I turn the scope to a 5 khz spectrum I'm seeing 15 peaks. The cycle is roughly at 333hz.
To me the signal seems too loud to be a small appliance or household device. This sounds more like a powerline issue.
One interesting thing is that when I use my vertical antenna the noise isn't as bad across the whole spectrum. The horizontal wire is completely wiped out however.
The RFI seems to be running 24 hours - another reason I don't think it's anything consumer level.
There are powerlines on my street and behind us running parallel to my horizontal wire.. (My antenna is at least 75ft from either one.)
I walked around with my Sony SW portable but the splatter is just about everywhere - so it's hard to get a fix on it. I'm going to go out later and see if I can't track it down again.
Any ideas?
In the video, the scope is set to a 200 khz spectrum. When I turn the scope to a 5 khz spectrum I'm seeing 15 peaks. The cycle is roughly at 333hz.
To me the signal seems too loud to be a small appliance or household device. This sounds more like a powerline issue.
One interesting thing is that when I use my vertical antenna the noise isn't as bad across the whole spectrum. The horizontal wire is completely wiped out however.
The RFI seems to be running 24 hours - another reason I don't think it's anything consumer level.
There are powerlines on my street and behind us running parallel to my horizontal wire.. (My antenna is at least 75ft from either one.)
I walked around with my Sony SW portable but the splatter is just about everywhere - so it's hard to get a fix on it. I'm going to go out later and see if I can't track it down again.
Any ideas?