Cable for 800 MHz
BCJ2 said:
I am using that antena cause some is still using the 155. frequencies and I can also pick up Pueblo police real good here in Rocky Ford I may just use one of the 50ft just make my antena lower just a little so I can have enough with the 50ft thanks for the info
RG-8 coax will have a loss of around 12 db for every hundred feet at 800 MHz.
Every 3 db of loss cuts the signal in half.
If you are only running about 15 or 20 ft from the receiver to the antenna, then RG-8 may not be the best but it is probably acceptable. If you need to go farther and want to use 800 MHz, you need to go to a much better feedline.
I am in west Fort Collins using a four element yagi at 15 feet above ground pointed south with a 12 db preamp at the antenna and 55 feet of 1/2 inch hardline into the house. I can receive most all of the Denver mountaintop towers solidly as well as some of the ones east of Denver like Deertrail.
If you have any real interest in the 800 MHz activity, don't skimp on the antenna or feedline unless you are on a mountaintop yourself.