1109 in Decimal = 455h in Hex [note the lower case h infers HEX]
an excellent chart is found under the CAP Wiki, for those not familiar with the windows Calculator
and how to change it from Standard to Programmer modes.
Now the Chart only is valid for agencies who have adopted that format when converting from PL to NAC
others such as FBI, DEA went for the simple route of 156.7 became $156 and 167.9 became $167
YMMV - depending on which side of the M-I-S-S-I-P-P-I you are on
I was going to post that the conversion from the decimal to hexidecimal was not clear at all. I tried to run a few math formulas in my head to covert 1109 to 455 and they did not work, that is, no whole numbers. Won't decimal work in most scanners anyway? If so, I don't understand why hexidecimal is needed anyway. If you only have to drop the decimal from the standard analog tone, it's easier to remember. I once saw a frequency guide that was formatted with decimal only. My guess is they were trying to simplify the operation of the radio.
I asked why the hexicecimal was important once before and the answer (my interpretation) was that it was more complicated and therefore better. I have been in some situations where simplification was a life and death issue.