Has anyone heard anything more about Rock County Communications Upgrade from Conventional to any possible trucked system or possibly Wiscom?? I've seen there study on the upgrade but haven't heard/seen anything else
Looking at public records on the office Rock County website, $1.9 million was allocated for conversion of radio equipment from analog to digital. In a document from 02/2011 it said the winning bidder was General Communications of Madison and they were to upgrade existing Raytheon equipment. The upgrade looks to be for base/repeater equipment and users were expected to provide upgraded radios on their own. There was mention of a pending grant for Rock County Fire/EMS. The reason for the upgrade was to meet the narrow-banding mandate. Reading into this I would assume Rock County will keep analog up to the 01/2013 narrow-banding change but offer digital for agencies as they convert equipment.
Ok thanks.. But I read that they were gonna Hybrid VHF-UHF digital trucked voice radio system.. I've never heard of Hybrid Digital Trucked System and is that able to be scanned? Or I wont be able to find out til its operating...
I think the Hybrid VHF-UHF trunked system was recommended in the study and it was to be funded with grants. Before the grants it was a $8.6 million project. In the "Rock County Public Safety Analog to Digital Voice Radio Conversion" document it states that no grants were available for the trunked system so I am guessing they went with option 2 from the study. The study is also on the Rock County Web Site.