It would be very helpful to know which loop you are going to use.
Loops are better fairly close to the ground - no more than a few meters (say 15 foot or so). This takes advantage of any ground wave pattern you wish to remove, which brings me to the rotator...
The loop's advantages lie in nulling out a source of interference or another station that might be on the same frequency, (when you are dealing with LW and MW). The noise reduction will work on HF, too, but because propagation changes somewhat when you move up the band (skywave tends to be more dominant), the nulling ability is lost. This is physics - nothing you can easily do about that. The rotator will make it easy to turn the loop in the desired direction. Usually the plane of the loop should point in a given direction (not broadside, like a dipole). Keep it as far away from the home and metallic objects as possible.
These are things you simply can't easily do with 25 foot of wire. Now if you had 2 or more lengths of wire outside, there is another solution, but it gets somewhat pricey for what you want to do.