All other factors being constant (RF power, antenna, and such non-regulatory factors) you will see about a 3dB loss in transmitter efficiency. Depening upong the distance form the x-miter, the receiver and receive filtering (if its narrowbanding) you may or may not notice this difference.
The new GRE/RS scanners have a "audio increase" built in the menu , so does the new Uniden "XT" models , Uniden has a menu with 3 audio increase levels which really help narrowbanded freqys....
And don't some Uniden scanners have a NFM mode nowadays? I take that's for the frequencies that have been narrowbanded and listed as NFM in the database.
To be quite honest I really haven't payed attention, tomorrow during the day when the highway dept is talking I'll switch back and forth and see how it sounds.
The audio level will be slightly down, but the answer to your question "will I notice .....", is .... not likely.
The 3dB (or is it 6db ??) reduction in volume is less than the normal sort of transmission to transmission variance in audio that you are used to hearing.