RVA area scanner for a non tech savy beginner

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Jul 22, 2022
I downloaded a scanner app for my phone, and listening to Hanover & Richmond fire dispatch has me hooked. I'd just like to be able to listed to the tac channels and other things that aren't available on the app.

I've been looking online at scanners and am completely lost. I currently don't have a computer, so the BCD436HP as well as the Home Patrol 2 seem pretty easy to work with as far as I can tell... just key in your zip code and you're good to go. It seems to be the same for the SDS100 & 200, but I'm not sure if these are all capable of picking up Fire & EMS for Richmond, Henrico & Hanover.

Does anyone have any experience with these or recommendations of other scanners that would be good for a complete scanner newbie?


IBEW Local 50
Premium Subscriber
Nov 6, 2014
James City Co, VA
I downloaded a scanner app for my phone, and listening to Hanover & Richmond fire dispatch has me hooked. I'd just like to be able to listed to the tac channels and other things that aren't available on the app.

I've been looking online at scanners and am completely lost. I currently don't have a computer, so the BCD436HP as well as the Home Patrol 2 seem pretty easy to work with as far as I can tell... just key in your zip code and you're good to go. It seems to be the same for the SDS100 & 200, but I'm not sure if these are all capable of picking up Fire & EMS for Richmond, Henrico & Hanover.

Does anyone have any experience with these or recommendations of other scanners that would be good for a complete scanner newbie?
Best bet is going to be the SDS series. Hanover is a simulcast system , Richmond and Henrico will be switching to a new system thats being built that is also simulcast. With that being said, simulcast can be very difficult to receive with the 436HP and HomePatrol 2. Would also say the ZIP code entry isn't always the greatest, lots of unwanted scanning.


Feed Provider
Mar 19, 2007
Virginia/West Virginia
As stated above, the SDS would be your best choice for reception. And while you can scan using your zip code as soon as you get it, there will be another issue in addition to scanning channels you might not want. Without a computer, you won't be able to update the internal database in the scanner on which the zip code programming relies. Radio systems change, especially when they are under construction like Richmond's, and your scanner won't be able to find new things to monitor. I'm not trying to discourage you from buying a scanner, but I do want to make you aware of some challenges.


Apr 26, 2020
I am going to echo what has already been stated here. Hanover's system will not be properly decoded by any scanner other than the SDS series by Uniden. Richmond/Henrico/Chesterfield's current system is technically simulcast but each "site" has fewer towers, so simulcast distortion is not nearly as noticeable. Hanover's simulcast site has 15 towers, and our system has coverage in nearly 100% of all areas in the county using a portable radio with ~3 watts of transmit power. So a non-SDS scanner will not receive it properly by any means.

I have a file for the SDS series with all the Richmond Capital Region systems in it. If you want it, feel free to private message me. I have the quick keys set as their fire assignment (Richmond 1, Chesterfield 2, Henrico 3, Hanover 4, etc.), and I rarely (if ever) miss transmissions. I highly discourage the use of the zip code feature on the newer Unidens, because it is inefficient and scans all systems within a zip code. So in Richmond City, it will try to scan each channel in the city, which means you will miss most traffic on active channels, because it is trying to scan through every frequency in the database for Richmond.

Like I said, if you end up going with the SDS, even though it is a bit more expensive, feel free to reach out to me via private message, and I would be more than happy to discuss the area's radio systems and assist you with any programming.
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Dec 26, 2007
Eastern, NC
i wouldn't really recommend using the zip features if at all possible. do they work sure but most times they cut on so much that you end up missing calls for bs traffic. get someone here or learn how to program your favorite lists... BTW welcome to one of the most expensive addictive hobbies around


Feed Provider
Jul 23, 2017
All good advice and I'd like to expand on zip code programming. Right out of the box your scanner probably will need an updated full database. So no matter what you do, at some point, some day, you'll have to hook it up to a computer and programming software and perform some kind of programming even if it is just updating the database.

If you buy a pre-programmed scanner, that's great but look at the systems you want to monitor and check the dates of when they were last updated. Probably recently and probably will be updated again soon in the future.

Again at some point you'll have to hook up your scanner to a computer and do some level of programming.

Best to just jump in headfirst. The SDS100 is a great recommendation and programming really is as simple as updating the database in Sentinel and then selecting what you want to listen to by right clicking on that system and selecting "Append To Favorites List"

Once you are happy with the list then click the button that writes to the scanner. It really is pretty easy.

Going zip code will get you EVERYTHING POSSIBLE including pager tones, and things that transmit 24/7 like weather, FM radio, Airport ASOS or any manner of other things. You'll have to avoid those every time you turn on the scanner. Unless you program it in, which of course means you have to hook up to the computer and do some slightly more advanced stuff.
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