jacklondon said:
I've been scanning for a few years with a Radio Shack Pro-91 and upgraded recently to the Uniden BC246T... Does anyone have a good way to set up San Jose area communications? I'm most interested in PD and SO traffic...
Any help for an amatuer in San Jose would be GREATLY appreciated...I'm feeling a little lost and a tad bit overwhelmed.
San Jose PD is UHF conventional 460mhz range.
Sheriff's office is half digital APCO P25, so you will need a digital capable scanner.
East and South are conventional VHF, with a 3 site simulcast system with WIDE
area coverage.
West side is P25 digital, 3 site simulcast system.
Car-car Frequency 3 is also digital P25, as are the court deputies.
You also have 800 trunking (Santa Clara city PD and Fire), but not much else
in the county is trunked yet.
Transit is LTR trunk if you're into that.
Most other departments are conventional.
Not much digital.. yet.
I have San Jose in it's own bank since it's so busy, "other" PD local and Sheriff in
a separate bank, and fire in it's own scan bank.
I also have ems in it's own bank since it too can get really really busy and I lock
it out frequently.