
Protesters urge release of ICE detainees held in Clay County jail
Immigrant advocates are urging authorities to suspend immigration enforcement and release federal detainees held at the Clay County jail.
BRAZIL, Ind. — As people Saturday celebrated a holiday associated with freedom, dozens of immigrant advocates gathered outside the Clay County Courthouse to urge authorities to suspend immigration enforcement and release federal detainees held at the jail here.
Scanner traffic was pretty interesting while this was going on. Brazil is only about 10,000 souls so this was kind of a big deal for us. Numbers on the scanner don't match what has been published; I repeatedly heard "Around 150 protesters and about that many more anti-protesters, many armed with assault rifles and wearing body armor." A neighbor who happened to be in town and witnessed it concurs with those numbers. 53-1 called out the evening shift early and had all of his units headed for Brazil until it broke up and moved away. CCSD and BPD were likewise in a somewhat bunched-panties condition for awhile. Local media seems to be downplaying it for some reason.
I was working on something of an emergency project in the shop and unfortunately not in a position to record anything.