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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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XTL/XTS5000 Scan List Mute / Unmute

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Mar 26, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
I have an XTL-5k I use for work on a licensed simplex freq that my employer has authorized me to use at a college campus.

I'm an intermediate user / programmer, meaning not a novice and I've setup the scan list for "operator select" on a conventional scan list.

I've noticed that when I'm using the encryption via P25 with the scan mode on, the other party will go mute, meaning I can't hear radio # 2 yet then it will un-mute randomly and mute, in which I have to open the squelch immediately to hear the transmitted radio traffic etc.

When I turn off the "Scan Mode" then radio traffic from radio # 2 un-mute's immediately and works 100% normal.

I briefly observed "scan list" configuration and settings and observed"Carrier Detect" for example and TX RX delay sec which I currently have on 3sec etc.

Too bad I can't post a screen shot of what I'm describing etc anyone have any idea how to make the correction or fix ???


Premium Subscriber
May 26, 2017
Scanning encrypted channels is challenging to begin with because it takes time for the radio to determine if the call is secure or clear. It then needs to find the right key and decode the transmission. This can take a solid second or two. Try enabling "Late Entry Fast Unmute" in the secure channel's personality. You will not hear voice traffic sooner, but it will allow the radio to land on the channel faster. You will hear garble for the first second or so but then it should unmute as normal. Maybe also try setting "scan holdoff strapping" to "secure."


Mar 26, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
Fascinating, yes I tend to have the scan mode on because I like to monitor multiple frequencies for enjoyment that are not encrypted by the way, but the frequency that I'm talking and transmitting on is encrypted, legally of course and on my encryption key that I've created and key loaded etc.

I will try implementing your recommendations, I am cognitive of the late entry unmute and strapping options, although I like to have the choice to turn the encryption off just in case I come across unusual discrepancies, mainly because I have heard rumors that when utilizing simplex; Simplex encryption lowers your range vs. in the clear will give both users full range ? Unknown if that's true or not, but I will try it out, Thank You sir 73's


Feed Provider
Jul 29, 2012
East of the Mississippi
What version Firmware is in the radio ? There was one version where P25 audio in scan would not unmute. Out of scan was fine. Do some searching. My resolution was going to 20 prior to not being able to get the dongles.


Mar 26, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
Firmware: R205010
DSP: R195001
Secure Version: R050715
CH: R11.00.07
Model: M20SSS9PW1AN
FLASHCODE: 58D228-901EC4-3
TUNING VER: R01.00.05
Processor Ver: BRAVO122
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