cstockmyer said:Hey Jim, has anyone brought up the idea of maybe a feed of the DNC when it rolls around? Kind of like you did for the World Series..is that something that people would want to listen to do you think?
captaincraig44 said:Well it might depend on whether or not DPD starts to use PSK or goes ProVoice. Most of the interesting comms would be unmonitorable at that point. I don't think there has been any official word as to whether or not they are going to go that way for the DNC only or if that is going to be a permanent thing.
edit: Crap, too many 3 letter acronyms. I don't think it's PSK, is it??
jimmnn said:We also need help from someone close to feed Boulder FD's new narrowband channels.
radiowatcher_06 said:I know this doesn't help much, but if CSPD was on Scan Denver I would listen. I broke $1500 in digital radio equipment over the past 2 years and I am unable to afford any new scanners. Having CSPD online would rejuvenate the hobby for me.
Thanks go out to all the outstanding individuals who keep Scan Denver alive.