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Feb 24, 2001
Hi All,
Today has marked the release of version 1.2 of my Radio Scanning Logging program called scanlogv1.

The original idea for this program was taken from the clalerlog.bas program and changed to suit my need of logging radio scanner related information from a number of different brands and models of radios.

This program has been written in Just Basic V1.01 using the least amount of lines of code possible to keep it both as simple and easy to fix / add features / debug and to also make it as quick to use as I could.

This program stores all the entered text in a simplex windows text file in the same folder as what the program is ran from, please keep this in mind if you need to re-install the program.
The only file level access the program has to the computer is via this text file.
All the code in this program has been checked and rechecked and from all the testing myself and others have done using it across many different Operating Systems it is not known to cause any problems or contain any viruses / ad ware / spy ware but as I can’t test it on every possible system set-up “YOU USE THIS PROGRAM AT YOUR OWN RISK”
If you do find any issues or problems with it then please contact me and I will try to help you to get it working if I can.

This program will create a file called error.log in the scanlogv1 folder if it does close because of an error, when reporting any bugs or issues please include this file.
Please contact me if you have any ideas or extra features you would like to see added or changed, this program is very much a work in progress so any feedback would be great.

Version History
This was the original version of the program, based on the clalerlog.bas program had all the basic features / options of the program but had issues with large amounts of text and slow search look up’s.
NOT released to the public as it still had a few bugs in the code.

First version that was downloadable a from This version had most of the code cleaned up to keep file size small and allow large amounts of text to be entered, especially for the “Events Notes” field which I have been unable to find a limit to yet (possibly 32767Kb)
This version has been tested and worked on Windows 2000 SP4, Windows XP Professional SP1 and SP2, Windows Vista Home and Windows Vista X64 bit.

V1.2: (Current Version)
This version has seen some more cleaning up of the code and choice number 5 added for future use plus a couple of other small changes to make the code easier to read for debugging and adding of extra features.
I have also made a small change to the code so that when showing all logged events it is a little bit easier to read.

Ideas for future version’s:
As suggested by users 

Please download it from my website


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Paul what scanner(s) does your new software support? That seem to be missing from your description :.>>

73s and GL with the new project...Mike


Feb 24, 2001
All scanners :)
You manually type in what you hear, that way it does not matter what brand or model it is and if you are away from your PC and hear something you can put it down on a piece of paper and enter it in when you get home.
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