Happened to me in Edmond
It was 10:30 at night and I was headed to the Homeland near 33rd and Broadway in Edmond. I heard a call come out on Edmond's 800 system that went, "Woman seen on electric wheel chair near the Chic-fil-a on 33rd. They said they had called Edmond Healthcare Center which is across the street from the Chic-fil-a and they said all their residents are accounted for. I turned into the Homeland parking lot and I could see something moving in the dark near Jason's Deli. It was the lady in her night gown riding around the parking lot like a kid with a new Camaro. I stopped and asked her if she was ok and she said she was just out for a night drive. I asked her if she lived nearby and she said she lived across the street at the retirement center. I called Edmond pd and they dispatched units to the area. She kept going and was about to go out to 33rd when a police unit showed up. He actually turned on all his lights and let the lady cross 33rd. He then followed her to the center and I left it at that. You know, no names on any reports for me.
I knew from being friends with several police, an OHP captain, and several firemen to never admit you heard it on the radio. So I never do. I just tell them I was in the area and saw...
To admit you heard it on the radio means they suspect you of eavesdropping or worse, being a crook. So I never admit it.