Scanner Enthusiast Helps Catch Kidnapper

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I'm just a listener
Premium Subscriber
Jan 30, 2003
Broken Arrow
This morning about 8:50 a woman calls TPD saying she is being kidnapped by ex-boyfriend and says shes in a maroon Pontiac GP in the area of 17th and SW Blvd. A civilian with a scanner driving in the area hears the call and then spots the car getting on the freeway in front of him. He calls the TPD console and reports he's behind the car and follows it to the area where the suspect lives and officers make the arrest.


Aug 10, 2007
Bethany, OK
Sweet. I've wondered how often that might happen! I've looked around a bit myself on a few occasions, when I would hear Bethany trying to catch up to a suspect "last known X direction" which was toward where I was at the time. Never did see anything, but wondered what the reaction would be had I had reason to call in!


Premium Subscriber
Dec 13, 2008
Milford, Ct. perched high above Long Island Sound
If this story ends up in a newspaper (which you would think should), please post the link here. I think everyone that lives in a town that encrypts their normal everyday transmissions should email the story to the appropriate official at their local PD.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 3, 2005
E Hawkesbury Twp, ON
If this story ends up in a newspaper (which you would think should), please post the link here. I think everyone that lives in a town that encrypts their normal everyday transmissions should email the story to the appropriate official at their local PD.

Like OKC ... (sure, it's ProVoice and not encrypted, but that's a difference without much distinction).


Nov 10, 2007
Oklahoma City
Happened to me in Edmond

It was 10:30 at night and I was headed to the Homeland near 33rd and Broadway in Edmond. I heard a call come out on Edmond's 800 system that went, "Woman seen on electric wheel chair near the Chic-fil-a on 33rd. They said they had called Edmond Healthcare Center which is across the street from the Chic-fil-a and they said all their residents are accounted for. I turned into the Homeland parking lot and I could see something moving in the dark near Jason's Deli. It was the lady in her night gown riding around the parking lot like a kid with a new Camaro. I stopped and asked her if she was ok and she said she was just out for a night drive. I asked her if she lived nearby and she said she lived across the street at the retirement center. I called Edmond pd and they dispatched units to the area. She kept going and was about to go out to 33rd when a police unit showed up. He actually turned on all his lights and let the lady cross 33rd. He then followed her to the center and I left it at that. You know, no names on any reports for me.

I knew from being friends with several police, an OHP captain, and several firemen to never admit you heard it on the radio. So I never do. I just tell them I was in the area and saw...
To admit you heard it on the radio means they suspect you of eavesdropping or worse, being a crook. So I never admit it.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 19, 2006
Guthrie, OK
It was 10:30 at night and I was headed to the Homeland near 33rd and Broadway in Edmond. I heard a call come out on Edmond's 800 system that went, "Woman seen on electric wheel chair near the Chic-fil-a on 33rd. They said they had called Edmond Healthcare Center which is across the street from the Chic-fil-a and they said all their residents are accounted for. I turned into the Homeland parking lot and I could see something moving in the dark near Jason's Deli. It was the lady in her night gown riding around the parking lot like a kid with a new Camaro. I stopped and asked her if she was ok and she said she was just out for a night drive. I asked her if she lived nearby and she said she lived across the street at the retirement center. I called Edmond pd and they dispatched units to the area. She kept going and was about to go out to 33rd when a police unit showed up. He actually turned on all his lights and let the lady cross 33rd. He then followed her to the center and I left it at that. You know, no names on any reports for me.

I knew from being friends with several police, an OHP captain, and several firemen to never admit you heard it on the radio. So I never do. I just tell them I was in the area and saw...
To admit you heard it on the radio means they suspect you of eavesdropping or worse, being a crook. So I never admit it.

Amen brother!

I know about some incidents where scanner listeners have called in to Guthrie central and on two occasions have had to do the same sort of thing quite by accident. I mean I just happened to be right there!

Never, and I mean never tell the dispatcher you heard it on the radio and be sure and turn all of your radios off before you make the call. If they hear radio traffic in the background you are only going to cause more problems for everyone.
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