I am not sure if this question has been asked. Is there is device that you could plug in the expansion slot of your Laptop and/or a PCI adapter for desktop computers that you can connect an antenna to it as a police scanner. Something like the FM/TV tuners they make for computers. I will be in a location soon where i am not able to bring my scanner but I can bring my laptop. It would sure be nice to have a device that I can put in the slot of my laptop and have a virtual software to monitor and see the display of the scanner. The adapter would be somthing like a wireless adapter for the laptop that you can connnect the BNC antenna. If there are any such devices out there please reply with the link. If not it would be nice for someone to create one. If it can be done with FM/TV tuners surely it can be done with Police scanner reception. Conventional and 700 mhz/800 mhz Trunking would be perfect.