One other thought photogtony, if you are downtown where I think you are, there is a big honkin' paging transmitter on 158.700 on top of Martha Jefferson Hosp that trashes stuff all around. Of course you could be out on Rio Rd???
Also, try sitting your scanner where the other portable is, or swap places with it, maybe you sit in a dead zone. Turning off other scanners won't make any difference at a distance of a couple feet or more. I have 2 or 3 going on the front seat most of the time.
Local fire is dispatching city and county on 46.46, rescue on 155.835. Both are pretty strong downtown from Carter's Mtn. Fluvanna, Greene and Nelson are kinda weak in town in a commercial building on a portable, not bad in a house type building though. Augusta is pretty much no copy. Orange is ok in the mobile with mag mount ham antenna around town.