Hello Everyone,
Going back to the drawing board, trying to think of a good home antenna solution for my radio's and scanner's. I have been looking at the Stridsbert MCA208M scanner mulitcoupler for my scanners along with a discone antenna. I also have a VHF, UHF, and 7/800mhz (used for NAS, this radio will not transmit) radio's I need to figure out an antenna solution for. I was thinking about putting those radio's on a triplexer and multiband antenna and calling it a day. The radios will hardly transmit as I don't talk often. My concern is that with that setup, is that I will fry the scanners front ends because there is a 99.9% chance I will forget to disconnect them when the time comes to transmit on one of those radio's. Does anyone know of a multicoupler that will handle RF coming into it AND Isolate it from the scanners or any other solution?? Suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Going back to the drawing board, trying to think of a good home antenna solution for my radio's and scanner's. I have been looking at the Stridsbert MCA208M scanner mulitcoupler for my scanners along with a discone antenna. I also have a VHF, UHF, and 7/800mhz (used for NAS, this radio will not transmit) radio's I need to figure out an antenna solution for. I was thinking about putting those radio's on a triplexer and multiband antenna and calling it a day. The radios will hardly transmit as I don't talk often. My concern is that with that setup, is that I will fry the scanners front ends because there is a 99.9% chance I will forget to disconnect them when the time comes to transmit on one of those radio's. Does anyone know of a multicoupler that will handle RF coming into it AND Isolate it from the scanners or any other solution?? Suggestions will be greatly appreciated.