I have a home patrol 2, I use Sentinel to program it, I have a favorites list saved. If I purpose a sd200 will I be able to to upload that favorites list using Sentinel to the sd200 with no problem or will I have to make any changes before I upload it to the sd200, or will the software know it’s a different scanner and make changes it needs before I upload it to the scanner.
You can export your Favorites lists from the HP-2 into an *.hpe file, using the Sentinel version for the HP series scanners.
After installing the current version of Sentinel for the BCDx36HP and SDS series scanners, you can import that *. hpe file into a Favorites list for the SDS200.
That is what I did with my HP-1 & -2 lists to ‘jump start’ new Favorites lists when I acquired a 436HP and a 536HP when they were introduced.
The original HP scanners don’t have the quick keys, alert LED settings, among other features, that are available in the x36HP and SDS scanners. But the basic programming layout, for systems, sites, departments, service types, and Favorites lists is identical between these models. After importing your list(s) from the HP-2 into the Sentinel version for the SDS scanner, then you can edit the imported list to include quick keys, alert LED settings, and other features (such as Site NAC and filters) that are available on the newer models.
You also can export a Favorites list from an SDS or x36HP scanner and import into a list for the HP-1 or HP-2 scanners. The extra features from the newer models are ignored when imported into the HP version of Sentinel.