Canyon County Fire is still on VHF as well for now. I know Nampa Fire has been doing a lot of testing and are using new ops channels, but are still broadcasting on VHF. Here is a list of freqs. for the area I don't know what you have but here is a start.
Ada County
Ops 1 154.2650 (BFD operation channel for alarms, fires, extrication auto and other major incidents. Ops 2 & 3 are used if Ops 1 is already assigned to an incident)
Ops 2 153.9950
Ops 3 154.1600
Fire 5 155.6700 (Boise Fire Dispatch)
Ops 6 155.0550 (Fire & EMS use this for Medical call updates)
Admin 155.1300 (BFD uses this for a lot of training also same freq. for Lucky Peak/Swan Falls Repeaters
Fire 14 155.3850 (Ada Fire Dispatch Meridian, Kuna, Eagle, Star)
Ops 15 153.7400 (Same as Ops 1 but for all other Ada County Depts)
Ops 16 154.4300 (Secondary County Ops channel)
Canyon County
Fire North 154.0100 (Dispatch for Caldwell, Wilder, Middleton)
Fire South 153.8900 (Dispatch for Melba)
Fire Response 154.1150 (CFD, MFD, use this for initital response on all fire calls then usually switch to a tac channel)
Canyon County EMS 151.1150 (Dispatch for Canyon County Paramedics and call information for CFD & MFD EMS calls)
Tac 4 154.3100 (Not sure if used very often anymore)
Tac 6 154.2800 (Used for most Working Fires in Canyon County Except Nampa)
NFD Ops 1 154.1900 (Dispatch for Nampa Fire Dept)
NFD Ops 2 155.9250 (Primary Ops Channel for NFD Multi Unit Response)
NFD Ops 3 154.4450
TAC 7 154.2200 (Was Primary Operations but not used much anymore)
State Comm F2 155.2800 (Dispactch for Rural/Mountain Ambulance Districts along with Department Homeland Security, Central District Health and other state agencies.
This may not be all the frequencies, but a good start and the most common used ones.