DaveIN said:
One of my many antenas is scantenna. It works very well for local and dx conditions.
I've had several different "versions" of what is today the Scantenna. At home and at work.
My first one (that looks just like today's model) was a Channel Master. It was actually "put together" a little better than what the Scantenna model is.
They used a gold colored metal for the antenna elements. The connectors were "gold" coated for beter reception.
I bought one for the roof of the city building (the city wouldn't buy it) when I dispatched there. The fire chief put it up for me. When I quit there to work for the county,
I just left it there....I
WISH I'd have brought it with me....
I've bought one from Radio Shack too. It has been discontinued of course and I don't really know who built it....But, it "looks" just like the other ones I've had....
The last one we put up at the 911 Center is the Scantenna model. It works fine too...
Steve/KBFAR :wink: