Scottsdale Fire

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Nov 24, 2003
Horsham, PA
I will be visiting again in the early spring and since I'll be now listening to the Phoenix Fire Dispatch (I am only interested in Fire) I'm wondering a couple things. Do I have to listen to VHF Channel A1 to hear SFD Responses or can I just listen to A11 and is there any Channel for "greater" alarms. Second I have no idea about the different "Decks" I have just received the 10th edition of the directory so I have all the numbers and am very experienced in 800 and trunking systems do I need to load them (I have a Pro96) or just forget them. Thanks Bob


Premium Subscriber
Nov 6, 2006
Phoenix, AZ
I will be visiting again in the early spring and since I'll be now listening to the Phoenix Fire Dispatch (I am only interested in Fire) I'm wondering a couple things. Do I have to listen to VHF Channel A1 to hear SFD Responses or can I just listen to A11 and is there any Channel for "greater" alarms. Second I have no idea about the different "Decks" I have just received the 10th edition of the directory so I have all the numbers and am very experienced in 800 and trunking systems do I need to load them (I have a Pro96) or just forget them. Thanks Bob

Hi Bob,

Quartered in Scottsdale you might be interested in the following analogue/conventional (don’t know the tech name) “easy scanning/any scanner” frequencies:

Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag

154.19000 KOA519
BM 173.8 PL Phx FD A-01 Phoenix FD - A01/Dispatch FM Fire Dispatch
154.25000 KOA519
BM 173.8 PL Phx FD A-02 Phoenix FD - A02/East Phoenix FM Fire-Tac
153.83000 KOA519
BM 173.8 PL Phx FD A-05 Phoenix FD - A05/Northeast Phoenix FM Fire-Tac
154.14500 KOA519
BM 173.8 PL Phx FD A-07 Phoenix FD - A07/Tempe FM Fire-Tac
154.02500 KOA519
BM 173.8 PL Phx FD A-11 Phoenix FD - A11/Scottsdale FM Fire-Tac
155.77500 KOA519
RM 173.8 PL Phx FD A-12 Phoenix FD - A12/Hazmat FM Fire-Tac
154.43000 KOA519
BM 100.0 PL Phx FD A-13 Phoenix FD - A13/East Valley FM Fire-Tac

Hazard calls dispatched on A01 with follow-ups to the regional channels above.

EMS (Phoenix FD non-hazard calls ) are dispatched on A01 with follow-ups to:
Regional Wireless Cooperative (RWC)

(These will require your expertise)

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description Tag
1753 6d9 D PHXFD K2 Phoenix FD Channel K2 Fire-Tac
1786 6fa D PHXFD K3 Phoenix FD Channel K3 Fire-Tac
1615 64f D PHXFD K6 Phoenix FD Channel K6 Fire-Tac
1614 64e D PHXFD K7 Phoenix FD Channel K7 Fire-Tac
1613 64d D PHXFD K8 Phoenix FD Channel K8 Fire-Tac
1612 64c D PHXFD K9 Phoenix FD Channel K9 Fire-Tac
1611 64b D PHXFD K10 Phoenix FD Channel K10 Fire-Tac
1610 64a D PHXFD K11 Phoenix FD Channel K11 Fire-Tac
1609 649 D PHXFD K12 Phoenix FD Channel K12 Fire-Tac
1608 648 D PHXFD K13 Phoenix FD Channel K13 Fire-Tac
1607 647 D PHXFD K14 Phoenix FD Channel K14 Fire-Tac
1606 646 D PHXFD K15 Phoenix FD Channel K15 Fire-Tac

In “general” the K channels appear to be assigned by location. I don’t know which one would be best for Scottsdale. Monitoring will discover the truth. For my home base, K9 is most prominent.

Sometimes K channel traffic can be very interesting, but my experience is that 95%+ of the transmissions on K channels resemble: ”Dispatch rescue code 3”, or “Dispatch Rescue code 2”, or “cancel rescue, patient by pov”. You won’t miss much by just going with the analogue/conventional/simplex (?) group above.

All of the above from RR database.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 6, 2006
Phoenix, AZ
You won’t miss much by just going with the analogue/conventional/simplex (?) group above."

Oops, no sooner than I sent that post, a "mountain rescue" assignment was dispatched to Camelback Mountain. So far "confirmed patient" but contact with patient still pending. These sometimes result in a "Long Wire"operation, and you wouldn't want to miss something like that in your area, lol. So, probably best to enter the K's and lock them out until needed.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 26, 2010
Sun City, Az
For my being around and having the scanner on 24/7 (yea I'm a geek), Scottsdale is dispatched on 154.190 Phx Ch 1 and operates on 154.025 Ch11. I have not heard them being assigned a K channel since I've moved here in April of 2010.
Hope this helps.
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