I will be visiting again in the early spring and since I'll be now listening to the Phoenix Fire Dispatch (I am only interested in Fire) I'm wondering a couple things. Do I have to listen to VHF Channel A1 to hear SFD Responses or can I just listen to A11 and is there any Channel for "greater" alarms. Second I have no idea about the different "Decks" I have just received the 10th edition of the directory so I have all the numbers and am very experienced in 800 and trunking systems do I need to load them (I have a Pro96) or just forget them. Thanks Bob
Hi Bob,
Quartered in Scottsdale you might be interested in the following analogue/conventional (don’t know the tech name) “easy scanning/any scanner” frequencies:
Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag
154.19000 KOA519
BM 173.8 PL Phx FD A-01 Phoenix FD - A01/Dispatch FM Fire Dispatch
154.25000 KOA519
BM 173.8 PL Phx FD A-02 Phoenix FD - A02/East Phoenix FM Fire-Tac
153.83000 KOA519
BM 173.8 PL Phx FD A-05 Phoenix FD - A05/Northeast Phoenix FM Fire-Tac
154.14500 KOA519
BM 173.8 PL Phx FD A-07 Phoenix FD - A07/Tempe FM Fire-Tac
154.02500 KOA519
BM 173.8 PL Phx FD A-11 Phoenix FD - A11/Scottsdale FM Fire-Tac
155.77500 KOA519
RM 173.8 PL Phx FD A-12 Phoenix FD - A12/Hazmat FM Fire-Tac
154.43000 KOA519
BM 100.0 PL Phx FD A-13 Phoenix FD - A13/East Valley FM Fire-Tac
Hazard calls dispatched on A01 with follow-ups to the regional channels above.
EMS (Phoenix FD non-hazard calls ) are dispatched on A01 with follow-ups to:
Regional Wireless Cooperative (RWC)
(These will require your expertise)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description Tag
1753 6d9 D PHXFD K2 Phoenix FD Channel K2 Fire-Tac
1786 6fa D PHXFD K3 Phoenix FD Channel K3 Fire-Tac
1615 64f D PHXFD K6 Phoenix FD Channel K6 Fire-Tac
1614 64e D PHXFD K7 Phoenix FD Channel K7 Fire-Tac
1613 64d D PHXFD K8 Phoenix FD Channel K8 Fire-Tac
1612 64c D PHXFD K9 Phoenix FD Channel K9 Fire-Tac
1611 64b D PHXFD K10 Phoenix FD Channel K10 Fire-Tac
1610 64a D PHXFD K11 Phoenix FD Channel K11 Fire-Tac
1609 649 D PHXFD K12 Phoenix FD Channel K12 Fire-Tac
1608 648 D PHXFD K13 Phoenix FD Channel K13 Fire-Tac
1607 647 D PHXFD K14 Phoenix FD Channel K14 Fire-Tac
1606 646 D PHXFD K15 Phoenix FD Channel K15 Fire-Tac
In “general” the K channels appear to be assigned by location. I don’t know which one would be best for Scottsdale. Monitoring will discover the truth. For my home base, K9 is most prominent.
Sometimes K channel traffic can be very interesting, but my experience is that 95%+ of the transmissions on K channels resemble: ”Dispatch rescue code 3”, or “Dispatch Rescue code 2”, or “cancel rescue, patient by pov”. You won’t miss much by just going with the analogue/conventional/simplex (?) group above.
All of the above from RR database.