SDR Trunk MPT-1327

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Central MN Monitor
Premium Subscriber
Nov 19, 2016
Sauk Centre, Minnesota
New to SDR Trunk and monitoring MPT-1327

System is ALLETE Minnesota Power Trunking System, , Multi-State - Scanner Frequencies albeit the site is not listed (trying to fix that :))

I have it running but need to smooth out the kinks

Q1) FROM is the radio id and TO is talkgroup?
Q2) Getting a lot of data calls - how to eliminate from the recordings and record only voice calls and mute the audio also?
Q3) what does this message mean -
DECODED Message Logger

20210629 043203,PASSED,MAINT - Call Maintenance Message ID:010-6152
20210629 043203,PASSED,AHYP - Called Unit Presence Monitoring
20210629 043203,PASSED,AHYP - Called Unit Presence Monitoring
20210629 043204,PASSED,AHYP - Called Unit Presence Monitoring
20210629 043204,PASSED,AHYP - Called Unit Presence Monitoring
20210629 043204,PASSED,AHYP - Called Unit Presence Monitoring

Q4) What is the conversion from formatted id to decimal - seems as if radio reference has decimal format
Q5) Periodically, get call thats following band plan but is nothing at all, just static. The frequency it falls on is not even licensed to this entity. How do I prevent from happening, or what is wrong anyway?
Q6) I think I know the answer, since its working, but I'll ask anyway - I just program the control channel and it will automatically populate the traffic frequency? I assuming thats the way it works, similiar to P25.

Thanks in advance
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