CFO (Chief Fix-It Officer)
I currently update the SDS scanner database via Sentinel. I am now thinking about using ProScan for database management. I use it for remote scanner access now.
I believe ProScan can update directly from Radio Reference but, does that not require a paid membership to RR? Not completely against that and have been a paid member on and off for a while.
So, assuming I want to be cheap, what workflows are your folk using to update your database. I am thinking doing the core updates from Sentinal and then import into ProScan for manipulation or edits. Seems like a lot of work and I'd love to know what works for you.
I currently update the SDS scanner database via Sentinel. I am now thinking about using ProScan for database management. I use it for remote scanner access now.
I believe ProScan can update directly from Radio Reference but, does that not require a paid membership to RR? Not completely against that and have been a paid member on and off for a while.
So, assuming I want to be cheap, what workflows are your folk using to update your database. I am thinking doing the core updates from Sentinal and then import into ProScan for manipulation or edits. Seems like a lot of work and I'd love to know what works for you.