I don’t know if they are on simulcast. All this stuff is greek to me. I know a
Lot of the channels are digital. Some still analog but not many.
Based the city in your profile, Coplay, you are in
Lehigh County, PA. Looking at that county in the database, there is not a "countywide" system with simulcast sites. Allentown does have their
own system. Their site is not tagged as "simulcast", but I do see two sites listed on the license. One site is in Allentown, the other in Salisbury.
Neighboring county
Berks does have two simulcast sites on their
While, at present, you do not have simulcast sites in your county, that might change at some future date. As far as hearing simulcast sites from neighboring counties, it's a coin toss as to whether you'd have problems.
Simulcast issues are extremely location specific. Due to the distance, or other factors such as hills, you might not have problems with the more distant sites. But there is no guarantee either way. Should you elect to travel, and take your scanner with you, the odds are about 100% that somewhere on your trip, if it goes to or through a large urban area, simulcast issues are waiting for you.
wtp has noted, the only scanners that can successfully handle simulcast systems are Uniden's SDS series. If you are mainly interested in monitoring from home, with a PC available, you can use one of the SDR songles & (free) downloadable software to listen. That requires the use of the PC, so is not something that is easily portable. There is a
forum dedicated to that if you want to investigate how that works.