I used to have scanners years ago and as I look at them now a lot has changed. I've read a few threads here that touch on my area to see what others have experienced. They have made clear, the waters are pretty muddy these days. I will explain my situation and maybe someone can point me in the right direction.
I would like a scanner for my car primarily. I am space limited (tight interior quarters if you will). I travel a lot in central Maine. Primary routes usually start in Augusta with destinations in Camden/Rockland, Belfast, Lewiston, Farmington, Waterville and I95/295 corridor. My only focus in Law Enforcement. Augusta PD, State PD, Sheriffs in Kennebec, Lincoln, Knox, Franklin, Waldo and Androscoggin. And local PD's in those areas.
I see a large number of them in VHF 150mhz range FM and P25. However when I check Kennebec and Franklin Sheriff I see UHF 450-465mhz range FM and P25. I also see the discussions here about L/A going to 800 and a few others.
After reading and watching countless reviews on BCDx36, Whistler TRX-1, SDS100 and the Unication G5+VHF, I am LOST. I have no experience with any of them but reasonably good understanding. The negatives of all the scanners seem to be what the G5 excels at. The G5 being a pager lacks much of the scanner capabilities but seems to have some work arounds. The BCD536 could possibly be installed in my glove compartment and utilize the WiFi connected app to control? The TXR-1 is the smallest scanner and could stash away anywhere with the addition of an external antenna. The G5 has Bluetooth and seems like it could easily integrate with my car audio. The G5 wouldn't have the UHF but I'm not sure what the Sheriffs use that band for or how important it is.
I seem to have it narrowed down to the SDS100, G5+VHF or possibly the BCD536+App. Can anyone share any personal experiences on the above dilemma either with Radio suggestion or how the G5 solves all the problems or any other input you feel might be helpful or things to consider
I would like a scanner for my car primarily. I am space limited (tight interior quarters if you will). I travel a lot in central Maine. Primary routes usually start in Augusta with destinations in Camden/Rockland, Belfast, Lewiston, Farmington, Waterville and I95/295 corridor. My only focus in Law Enforcement. Augusta PD, State PD, Sheriffs in Kennebec, Lincoln, Knox, Franklin, Waldo and Androscoggin. And local PD's in those areas.
I see a large number of them in VHF 150mhz range FM and P25. However when I check Kennebec and Franklin Sheriff I see UHF 450-465mhz range FM and P25. I also see the discussions here about L/A going to 800 and a few others.
After reading and watching countless reviews on BCDx36, Whistler TRX-1, SDS100 and the Unication G5+VHF, I am LOST. I have no experience with any of them but reasonably good understanding. The negatives of all the scanners seem to be what the G5 excels at. The G5 being a pager lacks much of the scanner capabilities but seems to have some work arounds. The BCD536 could possibly be installed in my glove compartment and utilize the WiFi connected app to control? The TXR-1 is the smallest scanner and could stash away anywhere with the addition of an external antenna. The G5 has Bluetooth and seems like it could easily integrate with my car audio. The G5 wouldn't have the UHF but I'm not sure what the Sheriffs use that band for or how important it is.
I seem to have it narrowed down to the SDS100, G5+VHF or possibly the BCD536+App. Can anyone share any personal experiences on the above dilemma either with Radio suggestion or how the G5 solves all the problems or any other input you feel might be helpful or things to consider