New SDS200 owner here. I don't see anywhere to adjust scan speed.
It probably suffers from the same bug that SDS100 has. At some point in the firmware development, about where the diagnostic log where reduced to half speed sampling, the scan rate went down from 80ch/s to 45ch/s. As search speed still are 80 step/s and more it doesn't have any logical explanation other than being a software bug.
Everything else are the same as in the older Uniden trunked models regarding hold times and similar functions. If you have only used non trunked analog scanners prior to owning a SDS scanner it will seem to be scanning slow as it needs to stay at least 1,5sec on each digital trunked site to properly decode and analyze the signal until it can determine that there's no conversation active that should be monitored and it can continue to scan.
If you have set to scan only one service type or a couple of TG's and neither of those would be active, then it would take at least 15 sec to scan 10 sites that might be divided over 2 systems. Then you could be scanning other systems and analog channels as well that could make it do one full scan cycle in 30 seconds. In that time a conversation could have been started and ended in a system without you even knowing about it.
When scanning several digital trunked systems you will soon notice that you will want to have more than one scanner, or 2-way radios, to do your monitoring.