When scanning the radio locks up on a non PL’ed frequency. The only non PL’ed freqs I have programmed are in the AM aviation band. (I have not as yet tried reprogramming these freqs but thought I’d ask if others were seeing this same issue.) if I turn the channel selector knob scanning resumes for a bit and then locks up again. I have even maxed out the squelch setting to no avail. If I avoid the freq it starts scanning and then picks on another non PL’ed freq. so it’s not a birdie. Comments?
If you're turning the squelch to Max, but still have the problem, that actually sounds like a birdie (internally generated in the scanner). Those normally are not affected by the squelch setting, Or, you might be getting strong interference from something very close to you. At home, that could be your PC, broadband modem, or printer, among other devices in close proximity. In your vehicle, that could be from the computer that controls engine functions (and other systems in some models). I'd try the IFX adjustment, to see if that helps.
You can always add attenuation on just your problem frequencies, leaving the squelch setting alone so that there is no effect on other channels of interest. If you're "problem channel" only does that occasionally, but otherwise is useful to listen to them, you might use negatively delay, which will bump the radio back to scanning after the amount of seconds you set. I use negatively delay on Dallas Fire Rescue's station dispatch channel. The automated voice 'Dispatch Debbie' occasionally gets stuck, and repeats the exact same Fire or EMS run repeatedly,