Events as they happened:
Selfridge was in the middle of a terrorist threat exercise...then it was interrupted, and canceled for what they called "A Real World Event". Radio traffic has increased on 413.2000, 416.1500, and 416.3000.
Selfridge has blocked some streets, and is evacuating several buildings, moving everyone to the "new chow hall". They said..."Repeat, this is not an exercise!"
Now Macomb County Sheriff being called from Selfridge to check out two men in a beige car, appearing to be taking picture near the front gate.
Security still investigating suspicious package(s).
DOD suiting up, and heading toward incident sites to investigate suspicious packages.
Numerous buildings have been cleared, except for one.
Five sites have been cleared. Asking if "the device" has been removed from the site, answer "No" They requested that "the device" be removed from the scene to prevent future issues.
"All clear" It sounds like everything is under control, and secure.