Lol I have done that before!
One main thing I say too is POWER....why plunk down money on cb equipment and illegal amps to jam up the cb band, when you can get your ham license and get more power legally. Like my HT, take it out and tell em on high power, I got more legal power in my hands than the legal cb radio they have in their car. Plus mobiles put out 50-75 watts high power and can talk further using simplex and even further with repeaters.
Also cover costs...with $300, and a week of study time, you can get your license, radio and antenna, which is less than the money people put in illegal cb rigs. Plus, the sense of pride you have with you're license. You are proud of the time invested in studying and getting the license. Sure, you can go to walmart or a truck stop and buy a cb, install it, throw the antenna on and talk, but with your license, you learn more about how to properly install, and match the antenna & coax with radio.
Modes, power, reliability, these are all reasons ham is the grand daddy of them all and still rules to this day!