I am having a problem I've never run across after programming and edited profile I created for a friend's BCD436HP. I am legally blind and this has been a nightmare to try and solve.
I'll try to keep this brief since I have to get up at 5:00 a.m. and it's 1:30 right now. I hooked up a friend's 436 to program my favorites lists and settings into his radio. Before I did anything, I created a new profile just for his radio. Normally I program my own 436 and SDS100/200 radios with no trouble.
After connecting his 436, I changed the target model to that radio and I created a new profile for his programming. The new profile I created for his radio showed my last saved profile for my radios when it opened. I then went into the programming from my last profile I had saved (since that data is what is showing in the new profile for his radio) and I deleted some favorites lists that were irrelevant to what I needed to put into his radio. I also deleted and changed some various talkgroups, alpha tags, and departments. I changed the startup message and then loaded the programming into his radio and also clicked the two checkboxes before writing to his radio. Everything worked fine as far as programming his radio went.
After this, I wanted to hook my SDS 200 back up and I was going to read from it updates I had manually made on the radio. I opened my master profile for my 436 / 100 / 200. But it was showing the data from his programming that I had just edited still and what I had deleted/changed was not there in my last saved profile. I went ahead and closed the Sentinel program and did a restart on the PC. When I booted it back up, and then I opened up a few of my older saved profiles, the data I had deleted and the programming for his 436 was still showing. It was as if the changes I had made for his radio were showing up in my old profiles. And I had changed the target model back to my SDS200 prior to this. I thought that since I could not get any of my profiles to reflect my saved programming/ profiles in Sentinel I could just read from my 200 and go from there. No joy, no luck, it's still showing the changes I made for my friends radio and it will not pull up my missing data. Sentinel acted as if it was reading my radio the first time but yet when it was done it was showing the programming for my friends radio still. And in future reads from my radio it just immediately went to the pop-up window that said it had been read. It didn't go through the process of showing the progress bar acting as if it was reading. I then changed the target model to my SDS100 and tried reading from it but the same thing happened. When I read from my 200 and my 100 it does not change anything. What is going on?
Aren't profiles just like the Save or Save As feature on a Windows PC? If you click Save it will save the data to the current file/ profile. If you click Save As, it will save the change data and allow you to name the new file whatever you want on a regular windows program/PC. Why is Sentinel not acting in this fashion and why is it only showing, no matter what profile I open or what radio I read from, the data that I programmed into my friends radio? Is there some kind of Sentinel reset? Sentinel acts like it's reading my radio, at least the first time, but it is not reflecting any changes on the left side of Sentinel where the favorites lists are. The only difference it made to the new profile I created for myself before reading the 200 is that it did add back some of the deleted favorites lists I did not program into my friends radio. But everything else, names of favorites lists, data that was deleted like talkgroups, and whatever else I had changed in my friend's programming/profile is still looking as if I had read my friends radio instead of my own. It is not pulling the data from the radio to the PC so that I can save a profile of my SDS scanners. And I am changing the target model for each radio of my own that I'm trying to read.
If I can't read my own radios and get my programming back into Sentinel, what the heck am I supposed to do? I've never seen this problem but another friend in a group that I'm in said he had the same exact thing happen to him in the past. He didn't have a answer for a fix though.
I hope somebody knows how to fix this problem because it's already difficult enough for me to see what I'm doing. I don't want to lose years of programming or never be able to pull the data off of my SDS radios or my own 436HP. What is causing this? Why will Sentinel not show what is actually on my radio in the new profile when I'm reading it directly from my own programming in my radios?
What am I missing, how do I fix it, and how do I keep this from happening ever again? Sentinel has become useless to me since it won't read my radio and I do a lot of my editing via the radios themselves and then suck that information down into my programming/ profiles. I hope somebody can please help me clear this up.
I'm headed to bed because I'm going to a hamfest in the morning and I'm already down to 3 hours of sleep I will get if I go to bed right now. I may not be able to check back and see if there are any replies until sometime after noon tomorrow when I get back home.
Thank you to whoever might be able to help me get this issue solved and get my radios read so that I can use Sentinel to also show what's on my radio and make new/big programming changes on the PC. I need backups for what's on the radio and I can't even get my radios to read and show in Sentinel what is on them even though the program acts like it doing that (after programming my friends radio). It just keeps showing up would the profile information I edited for my friends radio and created a new profile for every time I try to read one of my radios or I open one of my previously saved profiles.
Sent using Google Voice to Text. Please excuse any errors I did not see or correct before sending this message.
I'll try to keep this brief since I have to get up at 5:00 a.m. and it's 1:30 right now. I hooked up a friend's 436 to program my favorites lists and settings into his radio. Before I did anything, I created a new profile just for his radio. Normally I program my own 436 and SDS100/200 radios with no trouble.
After connecting his 436, I changed the target model to that radio and I created a new profile for his programming. The new profile I created for his radio showed my last saved profile for my radios when it opened. I then went into the programming from my last profile I had saved (since that data is what is showing in the new profile for his radio) and I deleted some favorites lists that were irrelevant to what I needed to put into his radio. I also deleted and changed some various talkgroups, alpha tags, and departments. I changed the startup message and then loaded the programming into his radio and also clicked the two checkboxes before writing to his radio. Everything worked fine as far as programming his radio went.
After this, I wanted to hook my SDS 200 back up and I was going to read from it updates I had manually made on the radio. I opened my master profile for my 436 / 100 / 200. But it was showing the data from his programming that I had just edited still and what I had deleted/changed was not there in my last saved profile. I went ahead and closed the Sentinel program and did a restart on the PC. When I booted it back up, and then I opened up a few of my older saved profiles, the data I had deleted and the programming for his 436 was still showing. It was as if the changes I had made for his radio were showing up in my old profiles. And I had changed the target model back to my SDS200 prior to this. I thought that since I could not get any of my profiles to reflect my saved programming/ profiles in Sentinel I could just read from my 200 and go from there. No joy, no luck, it's still showing the changes I made for my friends radio and it will not pull up my missing data. Sentinel acted as if it was reading my radio the first time but yet when it was done it was showing the programming for my friends radio still. And in future reads from my radio it just immediately went to the pop-up window that said it had been read. It didn't go through the process of showing the progress bar acting as if it was reading. I then changed the target model to my SDS100 and tried reading from it but the same thing happened. When I read from my 200 and my 100 it does not change anything. What is going on?
Aren't profiles just like the Save or Save As feature on a Windows PC? If you click Save it will save the data to the current file/ profile. If you click Save As, it will save the change data and allow you to name the new file whatever you want on a regular windows program/PC. Why is Sentinel not acting in this fashion and why is it only showing, no matter what profile I open or what radio I read from, the data that I programmed into my friends radio? Is there some kind of Sentinel reset? Sentinel acts like it's reading my radio, at least the first time, but it is not reflecting any changes on the left side of Sentinel where the favorites lists are. The only difference it made to the new profile I created for myself before reading the 200 is that it did add back some of the deleted favorites lists I did not program into my friends radio. But everything else, names of favorites lists, data that was deleted like talkgroups, and whatever else I had changed in my friend's programming/profile is still looking as if I had read my friends radio instead of my own. It is not pulling the data from the radio to the PC so that I can save a profile of my SDS scanners. And I am changing the target model for each radio of my own that I'm trying to read.
If I can't read my own radios and get my programming back into Sentinel, what the heck am I supposed to do? I've never seen this problem but another friend in a group that I'm in said he had the same exact thing happen to him in the past. He didn't have a answer for a fix though.
I hope somebody knows how to fix this problem because it's already difficult enough for me to see what I'm doing. I don't want to lose years of programming or never be able to pull the data off of my SDS radios or my own 436HP. What is causing this? Why will Sentinel not show what is actually on my radio in the new profile when I'm reading it directly from my own programming in my radios?
What am I missing, how do I fix it, and how do I keep this from happening ever again? Sentinel has become useless to me since it won't read my radio and I do a lot of my editing via the radios themselves and then suck that information down into my programming/ profiles. I hope somebody can please help me clear this up.
I'm headed to bed because I'm going to a hamfest in the morning and I'm already down to 3 hours of sleep I will get if I go to bed right now. I may not be able to check back and see if there are any replies until sometime after noon tomorrow when I get back home.
Thank you to whoever might be able to help me get this issue solved and get my radios read so that I can use Sentinel to also show what's on my radio and make new/big programming changes on the PC. I need backups for what's on the radio and I can't even get my radios to read and show in Sentinel what is on them even though the program acts like it doing that (after programming my friends radio). It just keeps showing up would the profile information I edited for my friends radio and created a new profile for every time I try to read one of my radios or I open one of my previously saved profiles.
Sent using Google Voice to Text. Please excuse any errors I did not see or correct before sending this message.