Yeah, I always check the sellers rep on eBay before buying and check the feedback to see what the negative comments were on, if its on the same item I'm interested in. I also check to see if he has an actual location listed that they ship from instead of the vague 'US' type of shipping location. I have sold items on ebay over the years though here and there, and very occasionally, I'll get a shady buyer who will attempt a charge back months later with no message, they never say anything is wrong, but I always get asked to provide the tracking number in the dispute process, and several days later, the money is returned to my paypal account. I've also had one guy message me just as soon as the delivery tracking said the item was delivered and tell me he never received it, and that I should refund him and open a claim with the post office. I had to go to the post office, and the nice lady there provided me detailed tracking information on it on a print out that showed a lot more detail of the delivery than what you get online, and when I told the buyer that, he suddenly changed his tune. Legitimate issues are one thing, but selling on ebay is kind of scary sometimes with people trying to scam left and right and get things for free.