Oh, wow! Since I don't personally use the FTO feature, I hadn't considered that limitation (but it makes perfect sense when you consider how it would have to work).

OK, that being the case, then no current scanner can do precisely what the OP has requested. Now he will have to decide if he wants to save his money and wait for a new scanner to come out (that might have that capability), or just dive in and get his feet wet with the rest of us.
Let me help out with some clarification here.
The Uniden Fire Tone Out Feature will work with trunked radio systems that also silmulcast their dispatches on VHF/UHF. A majority of systems are setup this way so that Fire & EMS users can still use Minitors to be alerted of dispatches.
Example: Here in Wake County there are 3 VHF "Alert" Channels:
Raleigh Fire Dept VHF Alert 154.370Mhz
Wake County Fire Depts VHF Alert 154.190Mhz
Raleigh/Wake EMS VHF Alert 156.225Mhz.
The 3 above VHF channels are also simulcasted on the Wake County 800Mhz system in digital voice format on the 3 following Talkgroups:
34000= RFD ALERT
35168= EMS ALERT.
Using the awesome Uniden Tone Out Feature I program in the 3 VHF Alert Frequencies in with the specific Tones I want to monitor (Chiefs, Asst Chiefs, etc) and the tone out feature works great!
So as long as the trunked system you want to monitor also silmulcasts their dispatches on VHF or UHF conventional (again most do for Fire & EMS notification), and uses one of the standardized tone sequential paging you will be ok.
Hope this helps clear up some confusion!
Happy Monitoring (and Tone Out'ing!)
Marshall KE4ZNR