I'm back into scanning after many years of absence. I have a new SDS100. I have noticed that often when someone is talking the signal will fade or breakup mid-sentence. It's like they are releasing the PTT and several words are not coming through. It happens at the end of a sentence too. Sometimes it's the dispatcher and other times the patrol vehicles. Is this something that happens in the digital world? The site I listen to most often is 1/4 mile from my house. In fact I walked up to the tower the other day. The dispatchers office is probably 12 miles away. County fire departments are still conventional and I listen to those on my BC125AT. Even though the signal is sometimes weak I can hear almost everything they say. There's no interruption of signal. I have also noticed that sometimes my SDS100 comes on and I'm hearing the second half of a conversation. It's like the patrol vehicle had already called in but I didn't hear anything until the dispatcher said, "go ahead".