Simple SW radio and RS 20-125 question

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Apr 1, 2022
I never thought I'd hear myself saying this, but I'm an older person now, and don't deal well with complicated technical/computer type stuff.

That harsh reality out the way and said, I would really like to get a small (hopefully under $100) shortwave radio. The catch (other than the cost) is that I don't want it to be so complicated that it is hard to use. I would love to have something like an old favorite Radio Shack DX-440 that I have but is a little too big to carry around, but I hate the fact that it takes 6 D-cell batteries! What a load it is! I do use it at my desk though, but even it is getting some problems (like starts scanning for no good reason, and the tuning knob just acts stupid!).

I've looked at a bunch of these tiny DSP miracle radios from Tecsun and others, that are awesome looking and lots of features and really good reviews...but they all seem to require an engineering degree just to operate? <haha> Just kidding, but they do make my head swim at all the buttons and functions - too complicated. I just would love to have one like those, that were simple and straight forward to use, without having to consult the manual every time I get it out to use.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. And I may very well go ahead and get one of them anyway, because my older ones are failing (but are pretty easy to use!).

Other questions...just wondering who manufactured the Radio Shack Portable Shortwave Radio #20-125? I've got one, and like it, but the buttons are getting where they stick or just work poorly. I press the ' 1 ' and a ' 2 ' comes up on the screen....kind of annoying. Other than that, its not too bad, but I would like to get a newer one.

Thanks for any advise or suggestions!

Scott KE4RJZ


Sep 2, 2012
Just looking at the RS radio, it is probably some manufacturer in China, not necessarily Tecsun or Sangean.

Have you tried re-setting the radio to see if that fixes the button issue? some radios have software / firmware glitches that build up over time, and a re-set can fix it.

As for the newer radios, I think if you are just using it for simple functions -- switch to a band, direct enter a frequency, or switch to a band and then tune up and down with the tuning knob or buttons, they're really not all that difficult to operate.


Jan 20, 2012
Hi Scott.

It is so funny that you mentioned the DX-440 because when I started reading your post I thought right away of the Sangean ATS-803a, which I had years ago, which is identical to the DX-440. I forgot it used 6 D batteries, probably because I used it mostly on my desk.

The only thing I can suggest is that you invest in one of those little powerhouse radios, like the CC Skywave SSB, or the Tecsun PL-660 (old version but dynamite radio). Both of which I own and have taken a bit of time to learn.

These two are very good in how they were designed, even though they do have multiple uses per button.

Speaking from someone that doesn't like to learn anything new...I think that either of these radios, and a few YouTube videos, and you'll be comfortable using them.



Premium Subscriber
Aug 12, 2021
Washington State
I, like you prefer "uncomplicated", although it's over your price range, I've had good luck with the
<< Eton Elite Executive >>. It's doesn't require a degree in rocket science to operate, is small and takes only four AA batteries. Here is a short video showing it...

And here is a video by another guy...



Sep 8, 2013
Tecsun PL - 660 , or the Tecsun PL-680.
AM, FM, SW w/ SSB. Air band too.
Sync actually works on this radio! ( providing you know when it is supposed to work)
Similar models, but the buttons are a bit more user friendly on the PL - 680 IMO.
I own both , and I believe either would meet your needs.
Shop around and you will be in your price ballpark.

Edit: I'm old too.


Oct 30, 2020
Mountain Home, AR
That Eaton looks like it is built on the same basic electronic framework as the CCrane, where-ever they are manufactured. I've had the little Skywave for several years and am as pleased with it as any basic SW, Air, BCB, weather and FM radio I've seen. I put maybe 10-15 hours a day of use on mine. It is fairly easy on the pair of two AA batteries it takes to operate it and I've not found a company easier to work with. My one need was to replace the little collapsable radio after I rolled over on it while sleeping.

CC Skywave would be my choice. And I'm old and not complicated-computer-friendly either.

de W0JOG.


Sep 2, 2012
RE: the DX-440: exercise the tuning knob, and/or spray some contact cleaner in behind the knob and turn it to work the cleaner over the contacts. Worked with mine. RE: it scanning on its own. Not sure what that issue would be. Maybe a re-set would cure that.
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