Single of multiple band endfed

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Mar 10, 2023
Hello all,

Is it better to use a single endfed 49:1 antenna in stead off multiple bands endfed?

A 33 feet vertical endfed on 14 MHz is half wave.
A 66 feet vertical endfed on 14 MHz is full wave and half wave for 7 MHz but also works on 14 and 28 MHz.

Feedpoint 7 feet above ground. Multiple lobs for 66 feet and not good for Dx on 14 MHz???

The question is Will the result of 33 and 66 feet endfed antenna be the same for dx 14 MHz.
If not why is everybody using 80 to 10 endfed antennas and not single endfed antenna for preferred band

Thanks ( sorry for my English)

73 Pa3glf


Premium Subscriber
Jun 30, 2006
So Cal - Richardson, TX - Tewksbury, MA
An end fed using a 49: or 64:1 transformer is inherently multiband with the antenna being resonant on most if not all even and odd harmonics. The problem with using one vertical will be the radiation pattern on harmonic bands where it can put most of the energy at high angles and not suitable for local or DX. If you make a 33ft version which is a 1/2 wave on 20m it will be an excellent DX antenna for 20 but 10m will have a lot of energy going up high and being wasted, even though the VSWR looks good. A 66ft version vertical will put most of the energy at the horizon on 40m, great for local and DX on 40m but 20, 15 and 10m radiation will be wasted upwards and downwards, etc.

Its a different story when using these antennas horizontal where you can operate 40/20/15/10m on a 66ft version and basically 80 through 10m including some WARC bands with a 133ft. The 133ft will resonate down around 3.55MHz on 80 and near center of the higher bands because 75m phone (3.8-4MHz) is not harmonically related to the other bands but there is a simple mod to bring the 133ft resonant point up to 75m without affecting the higher bands. That said, a 133ft end fed is an excellent all band antenna that can provide a good match on most HF bands without using a tuner.


Mar 10, 2023
Thank you for your clear answer. I will made a half wave for 28 MHz and a half wave for 14 MHz vertical on my fishing rod 36 feet high... These bands and DX are my main interest. Tnx agn Dick


Mar 10, 2023
Smile. i d
You can use the same transformer and just cut wires for 10 and 20m.

id that. First cut wire for 28 MHz and tested it till ok.. then connected some wire to get abt 33 feet... Tested and ok... You will not believe how. there is a hole in the roof of my appartment for the heating.. I have a very tiny balun from om0et... Have a rod of 36 feet and careful put peace by peace through the hole of the roof.. worked already usa with 5 watt ssb.. tnx agn
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