N1GAW...Correct, but let me elaborate. It will go through your list of frequencies and as soon as it finds one that meets the RSSI threshold, it will lock it. Then hold until BER rises above a set threshold. So, it will not necessarily lock on to the site with the best signal if you have 3 sites in range, just the one that meets the RSSI threshold first. So put your frequencies in order of which one you prefer higher up so it locks that first. I personally have certain sites set up as their own "system" so I can basically lock on the site I want and manually switch. Why, well certain sites carry certain talkgroups while other sites don't. So my strongest site might be 5 miles away, but I want to listen to the Agency on the site 20 miles away. Others I have set to multiple sites to cover a wider area for when lets say I'm driving and don't want to bother flipping knobs. Its all in how you program it to make it work for you. As an example, I have one knob position set to all the North Carolina Highway Patrol talkgroups and sites that cover I-95. The G5 will just switch sites as i drive south to north. Again, it doesn't RSSI sample sites, so it will hold a site longer than a subscriber on the system. I've personally tested things with valid subscribers on several systems.